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A Question for Mark Lewis

Having read that that Mariano has received a prison sentence for corruption, i am surprised that his number two Mark Lewis has yet to publicly denounce this abhorrent behaviour. This forum is often full of those supporting both Mark Lewis and his party and in doing so publicly have a go at the opposition.
Is this a sign of the future Mark? Remaining publicly aligned with someone found guilty of corruption gives the impression that maybe the welfare of the San Fulgencio inhabitants is not your top priority. Surely someone with a good moral compass would have resigned from a party tainted by corruption?
I strongly suggest that those willing to align themselves with this party in the upcoming election reconsider, a party with a convicted leader and a cloud of corruption can never be trusted and relied on to put the welfare of San Fulgencio first.

I've read all these posts about the corruption and it's such a shame. I own a house near oasis but am only over a couple of times a year so don't generally get involved with the politics side of things. I along with everyone on the urb pays my suma and expect in return a little back. Hearing that the roads in oasis may finally by fixed is brilliant and about bloody time. There are those that work hard for the people living here but stories like this make you stop and think. I for one would not feel comfortable voting for a party involved in that.

Commented erinhill1980 in La Marina 2015-04-04 15:26:57 UTC