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Winter Fuel Payment again - Can those of you who dont believe we are entitled to it, and there is many - please keep your comments to yourself this year thanks

Just incase anyone is confused as I was I have just called Newcastle and they have told me you dont have to fill out another claims form if you got your payment last year. As an expat living in Spain who only started getting payments last year - Someone on one of these forums told me we had to make another claim - so I sent one off which is now going to confuse them..I only sent the form off yesterday as well and then noticed today they had made payment into my spanish bank.. !!

La Marina

Souxie, , glad you got what you're entitled to, I also got my first payment last year but they wouldn't back-date it, so I lost out on 5 payments.
Ian Duncan Smith, in his infinite wisdom, thinks we shouldn't get it, (we had snow before England this year) so I urge you and other people to scroll down and sign a petition that was put on here a couple of months ago.

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-20 14:19:54 UTC

If you go to Winter Fuel Allowance for ex Pats on FB there is also a petition on there

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2013-11-20 14:56:56 UTC

I got my heating allowance paid in on friday and that is only the second payment I've received in the 24 years we have lived here.

Commented Marv.75 in San Fulgencio 2013-11-25 20:08:23 UTC

Hopefully you'll get it next year as well and maybe 2015, but after that who knows. Glad you got it though.. fingers crossed as it does help doesnt it.x

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2013-11-25 20:26:09 UTC

I only got half, £100, same as last year, until I contacted them to tell them I was a single person, then they sent me the other £100, so it's just cost me 1-25 to send a letter (you can't Email them for some strange reason) to remind them of their mistake again !

Commented Al Marina in La Marina 2013-11-26 08:32:12 UTC